Debunking Myths About Farming

David Skudder
2 min readJul 28, 2022

Because of the large impact that farming has had on our supply chains, food industry, and overall health, many individuals believe that they know all there is to know about farming. However, there are some pretty big misconceptions floating around about this trade that need debunking. Continue reading to discover a handful of these myths about farming and why they might not hold much weight to them.

Myth #1: ‘Organic’ Must Make Something Better

One of the greatest marketing schemes of the past few years has been corporations’ sneaky tendency to label their products as organic even though they might not be. Frankly, there is no clear benefit to purchasing foods that are branded as organic since many of these “organically-grown” products are still grown using pest and weed management systems. Oftentimes, these products are grown in similar ways and are not too different from each other. However, because the word “organic” leads people to think it was grown more sustainably, they often gravitate towards these products, even though they cost more. Grabbing farm-fresh produce might be your best bet at receiving organic products, but be careful of the marketing gimmicks used in corporations.

Myth #2: Farmers Don’t Care About the Environment

Although environmentalists have a right to call out harmful practices, it would be untrue to assume that all farmers don’t care about the environment. In fact, the environment is a top priority in this line of work, as farmers rely heavily on environmental conditions to continue growing and producing food. There are certain practices farmers have had to incorporate into their farming patterns in order to contribute to crop survival, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t actively exploring additional methods to grow healthy crops while reducing negative impacts on the environment. There are a variety of sustainable farming practices being explored and implemented so that we can continue benefitting from these crops while also supporting the environment.

Myth #3: Farmers Aren’t Educated

It would be extremely unfair to hold the assumption that farmers are uneducated. Yet so many individuals hold this worldview. Just because farmers might not have attained a traditional college degree does not mean that they are not educated. In fact, many of these individuals did receive a formal education in agriculture or might have been an apprentice on a farm, learning the strategic practices that the vast public would never understand. Farming takes a great deal of physical labor, but it is also a field full of intelligent individuals who have had to learn the ropes of running a successful business on top of the ins and outs of farming operations.

Originally published on David Skudder’s website.



David Skudder

David Skudder is an agricultural commodities professional who runs in Stanton, TN. Read about David at his website,